CNVC Certified Trainers
Stephanie Bachmann Mattei
Stephanie was born and raised in Florence, Italy, where she earned her Bachelor in Languages and a Ph.D. in Philosophy. Stephanie moved to the USA in 1993, when she married her beloved husband. Together they are parenting their three self-educated children (biological and adopted).
Stephanie Bachmann Mattei is a certified trainer and assessor with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an affiliated teacher with the Right Use of PowerTM Institute, and a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher with the Center for Mindfulness at the University of California, San Diego.
Parenting, being a major way of transmitting our unconscious wounds as well as our conditioning to social and cultural blueprints, becomes a powerful and far-reaching tool for social transformation. As Gandhi proclaimed: “If we want to change the world we shall start with the children.”
Stephanie served for over 10 years as a volunteer leader with La Leche League International. Aware of the specific challenges and joys of raising an adopted child, Stephanie studied with Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Bruce Perry to better understand how trauma affects brain development.
Stephanie travels the globe to share her understanding of Nonviolent Communication as a lifelong practice to emerge into wholeness and authenticity and to celebrate the humanity in one another. She weaves mindfulness into all her teachings, and also offers Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction courses as a path to reduce reactivity, increase well-being and aliveness, and cultivate the natural human capacity for compassionate presence.
Stephanie’s organizational trainings in Right Use of PowerTM raise awareness of the power dynamics intrinsic in all relationships and share a heartfelt approach to power.
A sneak peek: Parenting and NVC with Stephanie Bachmann Mattei
Stephanie also wrote the book The Heart of Nonviolent Communication with her friend and empathy buddy of PPLP 2006 Kristin.
Ingrid Bauer
Ingrid is an author and a Certified Trainer for the global Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), who has been teaching about compassionate parenting for over two decades. As a mother of four children aged 16, 22, 26 and 38 years, she is dedicated to sharing Compassionate Communication with parents and families, and much of her work addresses this arena.
She is particularly interested in exploring NVC within the context of family, community, interdependence, and the whole web of life. She offers workshops, online training, retreats, and large family camps, with a special focus on intergenerational community, parenting, healthy attachment practices, and leadership training.
She has a strong interest in deep nature connection and how this impacts children’s development, communities, and cultural repair. Ingrid and her husband run a mentoring-based wilderness school for both youth and adults, where NVC and peacemaking play a large role alongside community building, ancestral skills, music and nature connection.
Ingrid assisted Inbal Kashtan in the very first Parent Peer Leadership Program, and has been leading or co-leading the program since 2007. She loves working with Stephanie and the whole PPLP team. Ingrid lives with her family, on an island on Canada’s west coast.